We took Jess to the health centre yesterday. She now weighs 10pds 7oz. She put on over 500 grams in 2 weeks. This means that she is feeding well and is still thriving. Jess is now into the next sized nappies. The only problem is that they sort of swim on her. They are for babies between 6-11 kgs. The smaller nappies bite into her legs - no good. Probably better to be bigger than smaller I guess.
We were at the centre for close on an hour. Marilyn (worker) gave us advice and strategies to cope with all sorts of things, from PND to breast feeding. Always come away from there with a good feeling.
We had fish n' chips for lunch (yuck) and then I slept on the couch with Jessica for nearly 3 hours. Ang got some sleep as well. I did some shopping after waking up. Tis stone fruit season. I cannot get enough. Love this time of year if not only for the fruit. I then went to Traralgon to get our Xmas tree. Was only $30 as well and it has good shape. Problem is the tree stand is a piece of plastic shit and the tree doesn't stand upright alone. Grrrr.
After dinner I took Jess and reclined on the couch for an hour watching SFW. Good movie. Then turned in at 9:30pm to get some shut eye.
I am very tired of late. I have been doing more closes at work and multiplied with all the going-ons at home....Just feel totally exhausted at times. The last 2 weeks I have had a kip in the arvos to recoup. I think I do not help this problem by waking up between 5-6am most mornings. I slept in today (woot!! 7am) but this I think was due to the OxyNorm tablet (back pain) I dropped at 3am.
We all decide which of these is most relevant in any situation. It's all in the genomes...
Friday, November 30
Wednesday, November 28
Monday, November 26
Saturday, November 24
Thank God it's Saturday
Another rock n' roll week is over.
Thank god.
Saw my son on Friday.
Earlier in the week it was above 30 deg C which meant a lot of time spent cooling off in the pool. The kids got back from Ang's parents on Monday (I picked them up from Warragul) and had the day off. They then had Wednesday off due to the state wide teacher strike. Only Paige had to go to school for the day, which she did even though we gave her the option of staying home.
Thursday night Ang, Jessica and myself drove up to the big smoke. My mum came down and looked after the munchkins. We had dinner at Ang's parents and then scooted across town to stay at Deer Park for the night. Dad got his time with Jessica. Their time together is spent sleeping.
We left for Bendigo Friday morning. Got there at close to 11am. Jessica was relatively well behaved in the car which was good. I met my ex (Kylie) and we had a quick discussion on things important. Seems that what is best for Byron is best for her. She said that I had changed - she only had to look at my eyes and see they weren't "crazy" and she was fine. We went off with Byron and Tony (Counsellor) to get some lunch (Mc Chuckas) and spend 30 minutes in ToyWorld. Byron is somewhat like Paige - very demanding and a little bit hypo. I spent $25 on him. I will not be buying things for him every time I see him as I wont be buying his love. Dickhead does that with the girls and I wont be heading down that disastrous path.
We ended up back at Tony's office where we said our goodbyes and booked in another meeting for the 21st of December. Kylie and Andrew seem a bit like me with the discipline which is good. Angela even managed to get us to swap phone numbers (not that I will be calling them). Upon leaving I felt like the whole situation might go somewhat smoothly with some civility between the 2 parties.
We headed back to Melbourne. And then got stuck on the Monash for over an hour. I fucking hate the city with a passion. Jessica started crying and I wasnt in a good mood. We finally got to Ang's parents where we put our feet up for an hour or two. Then got back into the shitbox, got some Krispy Kreme's (Jessica christened my car with vomit) and got on the road for home. We SMS'ed dickhead about changing Sundays plans (I do the morning drop off instead of him picking them up) and he went troll like.
This guy is a tool. A yellow cock stain.
In then end we swapped the times over and he was like trying to say he always helps us. What a joke. He takes but does not give. We were OK with him not having the girls in his "court ordered" times and when we ask to tweak something he gets high and mighty.
Finally got back to Morwell, filled Mum in on how it went up at Bendigo and saw her off. She informed us that Dickhead had called 4 times in a row. Jesus !!!! The girls were very excited to see us and both of them seemed in excellent moods. We did miss them a little.
I work tonight and tomorrow night to make up my hours for the week.
Jessica slept through the night till 5am. I think she was just as exhausted as us yesterday and that was why she acted up.
So glad to be home.....
Thank god.
Saw my son on Friday.
Earlier in the week it was above 30 deg C which meant a lot of time spent cooling off in the pool. The kids got back from Ang's parents on Monday (I picked them up from Warragul) and had the day off. They then had Wednesday off due to the state wide teacher strike. Only Paige had to go to school for the day, which she did even though we gave her the option of staying home.
Thursday night Ang, Jessica and myself drove up to the big smoke. My mum came down and looked after the munchkins. We had dinner at Ang's parents and then scooted across town to stay at Deer Park for the night. Dad got his time with Jessica. Their time together is spent sleeping.
We left for Bendigo Friday morning. Got there at close to 11am. Jessica was relatively well behaved in the car which was good. I met my ex (Kylie) and we had a quick discussion on things important. Seems that what is best for Byron is best for her. She said that I had changed - she only had to look at my eyes and see they weren't "crazy" and she was fine. We went off with Byron and Tony (Counsellor) to get some lunch (Mc Chuckas) and spend 30 minutes in ToyWorld. Byron is somewhat like Paige - very demanding and a little bit hypo. I spent $25 on him. I will not be buying things for him every time I see him as I wont be buying his love. Dickhead does that with the girls and I wont be heading down that disastrous path.
We ended up back at Tony's office where we said our goodbyes and booked in another meeting for the 21st of December. Kylie and Andrew seem a bit like me with the discipline which is good. Angela even managed to get us to swap phone numbers (not that I will be calling them). Upon leaving I felt like the whole situation might go somewhat smoothly with some civility between the 2 parties.
We headed back to Melbourne. And then got stuck on the Monash for over an hour. I fucking hate the city with a passion. Jessica started crying and I wasnt in a good mood. We finally got to Ang's parents where we put our feet up for an hour or two. Then got back into the shitbox, got some Krispy Kreme's (Jessica christened my car with vomit) and got on the road for home. We SMS'ed dickhead about changing Sundays plans (I do the morning drop off instead of him picking them up) and he went troll like.
This guy is a tool. A yellow cock stain.
In then end we swapped the times over and he was like trying to say he always helps us. What a joke. He takes but does not give. We were OK with him not having the girls in his "court ordered" times and when we ask to tweak something he gets high and mighty.
Finally got back to Morwell, filled Mum in on how it went up at Bendigo and saw her off. She informed us that Dickhead had called 4 times in a row. Jesus !!!! The girls were very excited to see us and both of them seemed in excellent moods. We did miss them a little.
I work tonight and tomorrow night to make up my hours for the week.
Jessica slept through the night till 5am. I think she was just as exhausted as us yesterday and that was why she acted up.
So glad to be home.....
Saturday, November 17
Friday, November 16
Weekly Update
Things have been going well.

I've been working a few extra nights to cover for other employees absences. Been good.
Jessica has had a bad case of oral thrush since last weekend. We finally (after much trouble) got medicine to alleviate her pain. Mycostatin and Xylocaine to clear it up. She has responded well to the meds. We took her to the Baby Health Centre yesterday and got her weighed and checked. She now weighs 9"4' so Jess has put on a pound over 2 weeks. Most salubrious.
The girls (Paige / Sarah) have been a nightmare over the last week. Sarah is going deeper into her own little world (or as we call it - her 'Bubble'). Paige can one minute be an angel and the next a horror. It is so hard to keep them on a even keel. Ang and myself have to adjust our lives around Jessica and then everyone else at home. Basically all at home are trying to find their spot in the pecking order again.
Jaiden has been his normal self. Mr Electronical (computer boy). Getting him to do anything around the house is a struggle and a losing battle.
Ang and Me have found some quality time together. Somewhat.
We have done a basic budget for a month and after everything we are left with around $150 spare per week. I am now putting $75 away a week for a rainy day. It's not that Ang spends all the money on herself, just buying stuff that is unecessary. I wont have her begging me for money but I would like for her to have more restraint when it comes to spending. I am no longer betting (my sacrifice for the family) so it will be interesting to see how this goes.

Apart from that the kids are going away to the Grandparents for the weekend (thank god) and we get some quiet time with Jess. We are coming to the end of the school year and the hot weather is fast approaching.
Friday, November 9
Another night of success.
Jessica slept from 9pm through till 5am overnight. Hopefully this continues.
My parents came down yesterday. Apart from the conversation when Dad tried to lecture me on gambling it went OK. Mum got her Nanny time and Dad took a few photos. They even managed to get down to the local bookstore for 30 minutes. When the girls got home from school my Dad entertained them for an hour.
Sarah has gone off to the zoo today with her school. She was very excited.
I've been talking to Paige over the last few days in an attempt to placate her. She has been a bit emotional the last few days which unbalances the enitre house. Ang and myself have our hands full with Jessica which means the girls sort of get forgotten about. I talked to Paige last night about her eating habits and why she eats so much. She told me it is because of comfort. I hope we can pinch this in the butt as it could turn out to be a problem when Paige is older. All she needs is reassurance and someone to talk too. I am going to make more of an effort to spend some quality time with the girls. I think they realize that we are maxxed out with everything at the moment and understand somewhat. There is a new nickname for Sarah "Bubble Bobble". She is lost in her own little world most of the times. It can be very frustrating.
Jaiden continues to be a lazy shit. Wont even leave the computer sometimes when you ask him for help around the house. We have limited his computer time to 3 hours per day. When that expires he just goes into his room and either watches TV or plays the PS2. Poor kid. He is going to look back on his childhood and see how he has wasted it when he is older. When we try and encourage him to go outside and do something - he usually has a smart arsed comeback. We give him $10 a week pocketmoney. He does literally nothing for it. I'm going to have to make up a chore sheet for him and give him 50 cents for everything he helps us with. He might find himself with $1.50 a week then. Little shit.
Apart from that things are good. Myself and Ang have adjusted to the fact that OUR time together will be limited for the next couple of years. Quality not Quantity. Have to spend out time together when we get it. Not waste it. It will make the marriage so much more enjoyable. Not that the marriage is having problems. It just could be tweaked so that we get the most out of each other. She is a super woman and I am blessed to have found my angel :)
We go to Bendigo in 2 weeks to see my son. Seeing the bitch (my ex) as well. Will be interesting no doubt.
Jessica slept from 9pm through till 5am overnight. Hopefully this continues.
My parents came down yesterday. Apart from the conversation when Dad tried to lecture me on gambling it went OK. Mum got her Nanny time and Dad took a few photos. They even managed to get down to the local bookstore for 30 minutes. When the girls got home from school my Dad entertained them for an hour.
Sarah has gone off to the zoo today with her school. She was very excited.
I've been talking to Paige over the last few days in an attempt to placate her. She has been a bit emotional the last few days which unbalances the enitre house. Ang and myself have our hands full with Jessica which means the girls sort of get forgotten about. I talked to Paige last night about her eating habits and why she eats so much. She told me it is because of comfort. I hope we can pinch this in the butt as it could turn out to be a problem when Paige is older. All she needs is reassurance and someone to talk too. I am going to make more of an effort to spend some quality time with the girls. I think they realize that we are maxxed out with everything at the moment and understand somewhat. There is a new nickname for Sarah "Bubble Bobble". She is lost in her own little world most of the times. It can be very frustrating.
Jaiden continues to be a lazy shit. Wont even leave the computer sometimes when you ask him for help around the house. We have limited his computer time to 3 hours per day. When that expires he just goes into his room and either watches TV or plays the PS2. Poor kid. He is going to look back on his childhood and see how he has wasted it when he is older. When we try and encourage him to go outside and do something - he usually has a smart arsed comeback. We give him $10 a week pocketmoney. He does literally nothing for it. I'm going to have to make up a chore sheet for him and give him 50 cents for everything he helps us with. He might find himself with $1.50 a week then. Little shit.
Apart from that things are good. Myself and Ang have adjusted to the fact that OUR time together will be limited for the next couple of years. Quality not Quantity. Have to spend out time together when we get it. Not waste it. It will make the marriage so much more enjoyable. Not that the marriage is having problems. It just could be tweaked so that we get the most out of each other. She is a super woman and I am blessed to have found my angel :)
We go to Bendigo in 2 weeks to see my son. Seeing the bitch (my ex) as well. Will be interesting no doubt.
Thursday, November 8
A night of Peace
Jessica finally slept through the entire night.
She fell asleep at about 9pm last night and woke up AFTER we did at 5:30am this morning. We both feel refreshed. I went to bed at about 11:30pm last night after winding down after work. I now have to take 2 Panadeine 15 tablets for my back pain. I woke feeling a little stiff but in no pain.
Ang brought the girls into work last night for 10 minutes. I worked till close and collected $75. I give all my work pay to Ang.
I had a nanny nap yesterday on the couch for 2 hours with Jess.
With the official rate rise of 0.25% yesterday our variable loan increases around $10 a fortnight. We can afford that. Rates are currently at 8.25%. We could probably afford it up 11% maximum. After that we'd be scraping the barrel for money. Or Ang would need to work. Or I'd need to get another job. I do want to go back to TAFE and get a Div2 Nursing degree but that is looking like a pipe dream for a few years.
We get Austar on Friday. Locked in a 12 month contract. We will see how it goes. I have had PayTv before and found it basically just more channels to flick through. After the honeymoon 1st month period (where we get all channels) we will most probably just get the basic package ($35), Sport ($15) and Family ($20). There's $70 extra a month we will need to find.
Where there's a will, there's a way :)
She fell asleep at about 9pm last night and woke up AFTER we did at 5:30am this morning. We both feel refreshed. I went to bed at about 11:30pm last night after winding down after work. I now have to take 2 Panadeine 15 tablets for my back pain. I woke feeling a little stiff but in no pain.
Ang brought the girls into work last night for 10 minutes. I worked till close and collected $75. I give all my work pay to Ang.
I had a nanny nap yesterday on the couch for 2 hours with Jess.
With the official rate rise of 0.25% yesterday our variable loan increases around $10 a fortnight. We can afford that. Rates are currently at 8.25%. We could probably afford it up 11% maximum. After that we'd be scraping the barrel for money. Or Ang would need to work. Or I'd need to get another job. I do want to go back to TAFE and get a Div2 Nursing degree but that is looking like a pipe dream for a few years.
We get Austar on Friday. Locked in a 12 month contract. We will see how it goes. I have had PayTv before and found it basically just more channels to flick through. After the honeymoon 1st month period (where we get all channels) we will most probably just get the basic package ($35), Sport ($15) and Family ($20). There's $70 extra a month we will need to find.
Where there's a will, there's a way :)
Wednesday, November 7
$100 down
Lost on the Melbourne Cup yesterday.
Efficient stormed down the outside to pip Purple Moon at the post. Paid $23 as well.
Zipping came 4th and Gallic was scratched before the race. I will ease up now on the punt as we have plans in mind for future monies. Holiday to Queensland prehaps??
Efficient stormed down the outside to pip Purple Moon at the post. Paid $23 as well.
Zipping came 4th and Gallic was scratched before the race. I will ease up now on the punt as we have plans in mind for future monies. Holiday to Queensland prehaps??
Monday, November 5
Melbourne Cup 2007
I have picked out 4 nags for tomorrows great race.
2 if the track is dead or better. 2 if worse than dead.
The 2 if >dead are : Gallic and Zipping
The 2 if track is worse than dead (slow / heavy) :Blutigeroo and Blue Monday
Whatever way I go I will lose money as this race is ultra competitive.
I gues at 3:05pm tomorrow we will know if I am paying the bills off for the next week or carrying my swag.
2 if the track is dead or better. 2 if worse than dead.
The 2 if >dead are : Gallic and Zipping
The 2 if track is worse than dead (slow / heavy) :
Whatever way I go I will lose money as this race is ultra competitive.
I gues at 3:05pm tomorrow we will know if I am paying the bills off for the next week or carrying my swag.
Another week has rolled on by.
Saturday I lost $70 on the punt. Derby Day is the best days racing in the southern hemisphere for the year. And also the hardest to pick a winner. Ended up with 3 placings over 8 bets.
I worked Saturday night which went well. Only did a 3 hour shift. Got out of there before the mega orders came in. Theres a chick who is working at Pizza Boys that has a BO problem. Quite bad.
I slept half the night on the Futon in the hopes that it would be beneficial for my back. Wrong !! It is getting worse each day I reckon. I am booking in to see Dr. Al Mayahe on Monday in the hopes that he will send me to a specialist to get this problem either fixed or medicated properly. Nurofen and pain killers (Digesic or Panadeine) are not working. I have never been in sustained pain like this for a long time (since I did my shoulder back in 1996).
Sunday was very lazy. Spent most of the day relaxing up until work. Called my parents and talked to Pop as well. He wants to move into a Nursing Home. Dad is getting better after his accident (got knocked off the bike going into work), thinks he may have a broken rib but his hip is getting better day by day.
I worked for 4.5 hours last night which included 18 deliveries and a whopping $1 tip for the night. Customers down here are tight arses and they're getting worse. I collected my nightly and weekly amounts, got some McDonalds for Ang and myself and brought the boys home a small pizza to share. Rob was very appreciative - not so Jaiden.
I started watching the rest of 13 Days at 11pm but fell asleep on the couch about 20 minutes into it. I woke up at 5:30am to find the TV switched off and my back a bit sore. Not as bad as it has been over the last week but still stiff. Since waking I've showered and am ready for the day ahead.
Everyone at home is well. Baby is still fretting somewhat but meh, what can you do?
Saturday I lost $70 on the punt. Derby Day is the best days racing in the southern hemisphere for the year. And also the hardest to pick a winner. Ended up with 3 placings over 8 bets.
I worked Saturday night which went well. Only did a 3 hour shift. Got out of there before the mega orders came in. Theres a chick who is working at Pizza Boys that has a BO problem. Quite bad.
I slept half the night on the Futon in the hopes that it would be beneficial for my back. Wrong !! It is getting worse each day I reckon. I am booking in to see Dr. Al Mayahe on Monday in the hopes that he will send me to a specialist to get this problem either fixed or medicated properly. Nurofen and pain killers (Digesic or Panadeine) are not working. I have never been in sustained pain like this for a long time (since I did my shoulder back in 1996).
Sunday was very lazy. Spent most of the day relaxing up until work. Called my parents and talked to Pop as well. He wants to move into a Nursing Home. Dad is getting better after his accident (got knocked off the bike going into work), thinks he may have a broken rib but his hip is getting better day by day.
I worked for 4.5 hours last night which included 18 deliveries and a whopping $1 tip for the night. Customers down here are tight arses and they're getting worse. I collected my nightly and weekly amounts, got some McDonalds for Ang and myself and brought the boys home a small pizza to share. Rob was very appreciative - not so Jaiden.
I started watching the rest of 13 Days at 11pm but fell asleep on the couch about 20 minutes into it. I woke up at 5:30am to find the TV switched off and my back a bit sore. Not as bad as it has been over the last week but still stiff. Since waking I've showered and am ready for the day ahead.
Everyone at home is well. Baby is still fretting somewhat but meh, what can you do?
Friday, November 2
Thursday, November 1
Another Day
Was a good day today.
At 11am we took Jessica to the Baby Health Centre for her 4 week checkup. She now weighs in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. She has put on close to 2 pounds since her birth. Initially a newborn will lose 10% of its body weight in the 1st few days. When we were last at the Health Centre she weighed 6'12". All this means is that Jessica is feeding well and is thriving. We also asked about her toenails (growing under her skin) but that is normal. We left there in great spirits.
For the rest of the day Jessica was a nightmare. She would not settle at all. Threw up at 2pm all over our bed and Ang was at wits end. Then we were hit by another whammie when Paige and Sarah got home from school with 2 of their friends. They have only started coming around since I set up the swimming pool. The girls are really, really getting to us. Paige keeps pushing and Sarah carries on like a 2 year old. If only their Dad would take them for a few days / week to give us a break. Wishful thinking indeed.
Work tonight was great. Managed to collect $8 in tips which was spent on some pretty flowers for Ang (Awwww). She needed a little bouquet to cheer her up. I sent Ang to bed at 9:30pm to get some good shut eye before Jessica is brought to sleep in our room.
I am playing cricket (at this stage) on the weekend here in Morwell. The captain coach of Latrobe CC (Bloomy) called me out of the blue whilst I was at work and asked if I could put on the whites for the turds (3rd XI). Will give it a go and see what happens.
At 11am we took Jessica to the Baby Health Centre for her 4 week checkup. She now weighs in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. She has put on close to 2 pounds since her birth. Initially a newborn will lose 10% of its body weight in the 1st few days. When we were last at the Health Centre she weighed 6'12". All this means is that Jessica is feeding well and is thriving. We also asked about her toenails (growing under her skin) but that is normal. We left there in great spirits.
For the rest of the day Jessica was a nightmare. She would not settle at all. Threw up at 2pm all over our bed and Ang was at wits end. Then we were hit by another whammie when Paige and Sarah got home from school with 2 of their friends. They have only started coming around since I set up the swimming pool. The girls are really, really getting to us. Paige keeps pushing and Sarah carries on like a 2 year old. If only their Dad would take them for a few days / week to give us a break. Wishful thinking indeed.
Work tonight was great. Managed to collect $8 in tips which was spent on some pretty flowers for Ang (Awwww). She needed a little bouquet to cheer her up. I sent Ang to bed at 9:30pm to get some good shut eye before Jessica is brought to sleep in our room.
I am playing cricket (at this stage) on the weekend here in Morwell. The captain coach of Latrobe CC (Bloomy) called me out of the blue whilst I was at work and asked if I could put on the whites for the turds (3rd XI). Will give it a go and see what happens.

4 Weeks Old
Jessica is now officially a month old.
After being born on the last day of September (Day after Geelong's historic GF win) things haqve progressed as smoothly as can be. We've been taking her to the local baby health centre for checkups (and again today) and Jess has increased her weight which means Ang can continue to breast feed.
Sleeping at nights. Jess normally wakes up once during the night between 2-4am. Sometimes I just put the pillow over my head or roll over and go back to sleep. There's not a lot I can do except comfort her if Mum is outside pinching a smoke. Not getting any sleep is not a problem for me as I am experiencing the joys of being a father for the 1st time. It is all good. I love it.
During the days Jess will normally sleep for the most part of it. If we venture out down the road to Traralgon she will sleep through the whole time. Of late Jess has become frettful when left alone. I think she needs either Mum or Dad there for comfort. If Ang cannot settle her down then I can - and vice versa.
We got Jess's blood results back yesterday. She was tested for Graves Disease. It was clear. Ang's was also within normal range and she has to go back in 8-12 weeks for another test. Good.
The other kids at home have adjusted to the arrival of Jess really well. Some initial jealousy but that has passed. They realise that Jessica is number 1 priority.
Last Saturday there was high drama. I was up in the big smoke playing cricket and she had trouble breathing whilst having a boob feed. She turned blue and Ang had to give the baby 1st aid to get her breathing again. The ambulance came and checked her over and told Mum that the baby had probably just got some milk down her lungs. When she feeds it is funny - Jess gulps it down like it was her last feed.
Other than that, my work is going really well. Mum has bounced back to her normal self (thank god) and the kids are happy and healthy. I have a bad back at the moment and had an Xray last week. Got the results back and Dr. Al Mayahe told me that I have compression on the lower discs which is causing the recurrent pain. Some mornings it is really bad. Only one way to relieve this problem - lose weight.
More to come.....

After being born on the last day of September (Day after Geelong's historic GF win) things haqve progressed as smoothly as can be. We've been taking her to the local baby health centre for checkups (and again today) and Jess has increased her weight which means Ang can continue to breast feed.
Sleeping at nights. Jess normally wakes up once during the night between 2-4am. Sometimes I just put the pillow over my head or roll over and go back to sleep. There's not a lot I can do except comfort her if Mum is outside pinching a smoke. Not getting any sleep is not a problem for me as I am experiencing the joys of being a father for the 1st time. It is all good. I love it.
During the days Jess will normally sleep for the most part of it. If we venture out down the road to Traralgon she will sleep through the whole time. Of late Jess has become frettful when left alone. I think she needs either Mum or Dad there for comfort. If Ang cannot settle her down then I can - and vice versa.
We got Jess's blood results back yesterday. She was tested for Graves Disease. It was clear. Ang's was also within normal range and she has to go back in 8-12 weeks for another test. Good.
The other kids at home have adjusted to the arrival of Jess really well. Some initial jealousy but that has passed. They realise that Jessica is number 1 priority.
Last Saturday there was high drama. I was up in the big smoke playing cricket and she had trouble breathing whilst having a boob feed. She turned blue and Ang had to give the baby 1st aid to get her breathing again. The ambulance came and checked her over and told Mum that the baby had probably just got some milk down her lungs. When she feeds it is funny - Jess gulps it down like it was her last feed.
Other than that, my work is going really well. Mum has bounced back to her normal self (thank god) and the kids are happy and healthy. I have a bad back at the moment and had an Xray last week. Got the results back and Dr. Al Mayahe told me that I have compression on the lower discs which is causing the recurrent pain. Some mornings it is really bad. Only one way to relieve this problem - lose weight.
More to come.....

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