Jessica finally slept through the entire night.
She fell asleep at about 9pm last night and woke up AFTER we did at 5:30am this morning. We both feel refreshed. I went to bed at about 11:30pm last night after winding down after work. I now have to take 2 Panadeine 15 tablets for my back pain. I woke feeling a little stiff but in no pain.
Ang brought the girls into work last night for 10 minutes. I worked till close and collected $75. I give all my work pay to Ang.
I had a nanny nap yesterday on the couch for 2 hours with Jess.
With the official rate rise of 0.25% yesterday our variable loan increases around $10 a fortnight. We can afford that. Rates are currently at 8.25%. We could probably afford it up 11% maximum. After that we'd be scraping the barrel for money. Or Ang would need to work. Or I'd need to get another job. I do want to go back to TAFE and get a Div2 Nursing degree but that is looking like a pipe dream for a few years.
We get Austar on Friday. Locked in a 12 month contract. We will see how it goes. I have had PayTv before and found it basically just more channels to flick through. After the honeymoon 1st month period (where we get all channels) we will most probably just get the basic package ($35), Sport ($15) and Family ($20). There's $70 extra a month we will need to find.
Where there's a will, there's a way :)