Another rock n' roll week is over.
Thank god.
Saw my son on Friday.
Earlier in the week it was above 30 deg C which meant a lot of time spent cooling off in the pool. The kids got back from Ang's parents on Monday (I picked them up from Warragul) and had the day off. They then had Wednesday off due to the state wide teacher strike. Only Paige had to go to school for the day, which she did even though we gave her the option of staying home.
Thursday night Ang, Jessica and myself drove up to the big smoke. My mum came down and looked after the munchkins. We had dinner at Ang's parents and then scooted across town to stay at Deer Park for the night. Dad got his time with Jessica. Their time together is spent sleeping.
We left for Bendigo Friday morning. Got there at close to 11am. Jessica was relatively well behaved in the car which was good. I met my ex (Kylie) and we had a quick discussion on things important. Seems that what is best for Byron is best for her. She said that I had changed - she only had to look at my eyes and see they weren't "crazy" and she was fine. We went off with Byron and Tony (Counsellor) to get some lunch (Mc Chuckas) and spend 30 minutes in ToyWorld. Byron is somewhat like Paige - very demanding and a little bit hypo. I spent $25 on him. I will not be buying things for him every time I see him as I wont be buying his love. Dickhead does that with the girls and I wont be heading down that disastrous path.
We ended up back at Tony's office where we said our goodbyes and booked in another meeting for the 21st of December. Kylie and Andrew seem a bit like me with the discipline which is good. Angela even managed to get us to swap phone numbers (not that I will be calling them). Upon leaving I felt like the whole situation might go somewhat smoothly with some civility between the 2 parties.
We headed back to Melbourne. And then got stuck on the Monash for over an hour. I fucking hate the city with a passion. Jessica started crying and I wasnt in a good mood. We finally got to Ang's parents where we put our feet up for an hour or two. Then got back into the shitbox, got some Krispy Kreme's (Jessica christened my car with vomit) and got on the road for home. We SMS'ed dickhead about changing Sundays plans (I do the morning drop off instead of him picking them up) and he went troll like.
This guy is a tool. A yellow cock stain.
In then end we swapped the times over and he was like trying to say he always helps us. What a joke. He takes but does not give. We were OK with him not having the girls in his "court ordered" times and when we ask to tweak something he gets high and mighty.
Finally got back to Morwell, filled Mum in on how it went up at Bendigo and saw her off. She informed us that Dickhead had called 4 times in a row. Jesus !!!! The girls were very excited to see us and both of them seemed in excellent moods. We did miss them a little.
I work tonight and tomorrow night to make up my hours for the week.
Jessica slept through the night till 5am. I think she was just as exhausted as us yesterday and that was why she acted up.
So glad to be home.....