Jessica is now officially a month old.
After being born on the last day of September (Day after Geelong's historic GF win) things haqve progressed as smoothly as can be. We've been taking her to the local baby health centre for checkups (and again today) and Jess has increased her weight which means Ang can continue to breast feed.
Sleeping at nights. Jess normally wakes up once during the night between 2-4am. Sometimes I just put the pillow over my head or roll over and go back to sleep. There's not a lot I can do except comfort her if Mum is outside pinching a smoke. Not getting any sleep is not a problem for me as I am experiencing the joys of being a father for the 1st time. It is all good. I love it.
During the days Jess will normally sleep for the most part of it. If we venture out down the road to Traralgon she will sleep through the whole time. Of late Jess has become frettful when left alone. I think she needs either Mum or Dad there for comfort. If Ang cannot settle her down then I can - and vice versa.
We got Jess's blood results back yesterday. She was tested for Graves Disease. It was clear. Ang's was also within normal range and she has to go back in 8-12 weeks for another test. Good.
The other kids at home have adjusted to the arrival of Jess really well. Some initial jealousy but that has passed. They realise that Jessica is number 1 priority.
Last Saturday there was high drama. I was up in the big smoke playing cricket and she had trouble breathing whilst having a boob feed. She turned blue and Ang had to give the baby 1st aid to get her breathing again. The ambulance came and checked her over and told Mum that the baby had probably just got some milk down her lungs. When she feeds it is funny - Jess gulps it down like it was her last feed.
Other than that, my work is going really well. Mum has bounced back to her normal self (thank god) and the kids are happy and healthy. I have a bad back at the moment and had an Xray last week. Got the results back and Dr. Al Mayahe told me that I have compression on the lower discs which is causing the recurrent pain. Some mornings it is really bad. Only one way to relieve this problem - lose weight.
More to come.....