Wednesday, April 21

Trip Away

Got back from Wycheproof late last night. Took Jess away with me. She was very good in the car except for about 1 hour either side of Bendigo. She loved spending time with Poppy. He is doing OK but had a minor heart attack last Friday. I'm hoping for the best but fearing the worst for him. Xavier came around for an hour and he was well behaved for a little bit then went really rough when he decided he wanted to play indoor soccer. He went to hit Jess in the head with a ball and I told him "You better not do that because I can throw the ball a lot harder than you". Chris took him home as he cracked the major sads. My mum left at 8AM to look after Grace on Tuesday morning. We popped around there as Jess was doing my nut in and she wanted to stay there but my Mum told her "No, you go back to Pops". Sadly for Jess her name does not belong with an X(avier) or G(race). Starting to really dislike my parents.

We left Pop's at 3pm to go down and see Byron at Wedderburn (40 minutes down the road). Kylie and Andrew (his parents) are very, very close to breaking point with him. His report absolutely sucked (attitude) and they are looking to send him away to a Boy's home as a last resort. I took him to the pub for a game of pool but ended chasing Jess around the Pub as she was right off tap. Byron's attitude towards me sucks donkeys balls as well. Took him to his guitar lesson, threw him $5 and said our goodbyes. Popped in to see Kylie at her work to have a quick chat. She is totally at a loss with Byron. Whatever he is told he does the opposite. He needs to see a psych and to be on meds would be my answer. Kylie and Andrew don't believe in that sadly so I can see that whole situation going pear shaped. Sad.

We drove home the remaining 5 hours in relative peace and quiet. Went through a few thunderstorms which were pretty awesome viewing from the car. We stopped in at Ang's parents for half an hour. Jess loves her Nanna and even put herself to bed upstairs. We finally made it home at 10.30pm.

I don't think I can do that again. Jessica is a real handful. Hopefully she improves.