Getting up at 4.30AM does not help ones mood or well being. Sadly this is my lot today.
Got an abusive email from my younger (and at the moment loopy) younger brother during the week. According to him I owe him money and he is leaving the family circle. He has been a fruitcake the last 10 years or so. We were given an ultimatum from our parents back in 2002/03. I took the hint and have moved forward. He didn't and is still in the same predicament now as back then. Partly due to my parents lack of putting the foot down / boot in his arse. If you're soft people take advantage - especially in families.
I picked 5 winners in a row last week. But sadly for me money was tight and I only had $2.50 EW on themm all. A $10 all-up bet would of netted me around $10,000. I have never picked 5 winners straight so looks like I'm still carrying my swag for another week. Would like to have a go today - but would rather keep some $$$ in my skyrocket for the upcoming 'car repair' week.
We got 4 new tyres on the Ford Exploder Friday. With a wheel alignment it ended up costing $701. Just paid the credit card off the day before. Pretty ironic that it was only paid off for under 24 hours.
We have a tree in the backyard that has split near to the bottom. Have 3 quotes ranging from $150-$500 to remove it. With the lawnmower currently on the fritz the backyard looks like something from 'Nam.
Byron's birthday next week. Have bought him something small and will stash $20 in a card for him. Haven't called him for 2 weeks. Each time I talk to him it gets me in a foul sorta mood. Poor kid - it's not his fault. I'll never be as close to him as I am to my own kids. There is a lack of bond between us. Whilst looking for birthday cards there was a 'Son' or 'Humorous' section. I didn't even hesitate as I got him something from the latter. All I can hope for between us is a good friend/bad uncle type relationship. Is it really worth it ??
Work keeps me busy in the evenings. 6 nights a week gets a bit too much at times. But we need the money so will stick at it for however god knows long.
We went to the Melbourne Zoo on Monday. My Dad came along. We had a good time