(Sunrise over Morwell)
Everyone in the house (barring me) has been struck down with the dreaded Gastro bug. Pretty bad. More problems with the Camira. Thinks it's Jessica Watsons yacht with the amount of water underneath the carpets on the whole left hand side of the car. Popped a radiator hose the other day as well. Still going - so that's a positive.
Talked to Byron last night. He seems like he's still up to no good. Getting bullied he reckons. He told me why (he popped a 17yo's lilo at the pools and got threatened with "I'll pop your lungs!") so I don't think there's anything to it. He has major attitude problems. Reminds me of one of my old primary shcool classmates - Adrian Cian. We called him Poc. He was always getting into trouble and no-one liked him much.