We went off to Moe races (see photos I sent you) on Monday. Everything went well. Jessica got out of hand after 3 races so we decided to pull up stumps and head home. I backed 1 winner and collected $50 which payed for the day. Nice little racecourse and we enjoyed the day. Monday night I went to work and that's when Paige blew up - sobbing, howling and crying for her Daddy. Ang managed to settle her down at 10pm when I came home from work. We took her back to her Dad on Tuesday at Warragul Macca's. I told her in the car that "I don't know you anymore and you're like a complete stranger to me" which is true. We then walked around Warragul for an hour going into all the Oppie shops and getting a bite from the bakery. Ang was a bit of a mess until yesterday because of Paige.

(Me and Ava in the stands @ Moe)

(Moe mounting yard before Race 4. The chick in the jeans, black top and knee high black boots on the lower right was a hot bit o' tang)
Graeme came over and we have started construction on the pool fence. 3 posts are in the ground and have been concreted. only 2 to go. Hard yakka as you have to dig down 70cms pretty much in a 25cm by 25cm hole straight down. Doesn't help when tree roots are everywhere and there is 20cms of hard packed clay/dirt that is like digging through stone. Graeme hurt his back at the dinner table (haha) so I sent him home. He is coming back later today to concrete the other 2 posts then back here on Sunday/Monday to put up the actual fence.
Jaiden worked last night and couldn't get a lift home. Ang had to go up there at midnight to get him. There are 2 female managers that refuse to drive him home. He is talking to the big boss next week to explain that we have little kids at home and that it is too much to come get him at 12am if he does a close. Otherwise he is going to look for somewhere else close to home to work. Sarah is having fun at the grandparents. Was very chirpy yesterday on the phone. Robin rang me up last night because she was crying and wouldn't tell them what was wrong. I told him she needed some TLC to get her to sleep.
Well thats about it for now. The new roster has been done at the Pizza Shop. Still working 4.5 days but not working Tuesday/Wednesday which is good. Only did 5-6 hours for those 2 nights anyway. And no longer working with the Queen Bitch in the kitchen that everyone hates.

(Took this photo 2 nights ago as the sun set in the west from the front yard of our house. Was pretty awesome)