Picked him up on Friday at 4pm from Wedderburn which is 5 hours from home. He was fidgety, restless and couldn't pay attention for more than 10 seconds on the way home. Friday night was OK but some cracks were showing when he didn't listen when I told him to get off the computer and go to bed.
Saturday. Spent all day up in Sarah's room playing the PS2. We had a very bad freak autumn storm (next door neighbour said he'd only seen it as bad 3 times in 40 years). We couldn't do much but all he seemed interested in was playing the playstation. I took him to the Fun Shack (Laser Tag and arcade games) in the evening and that's when I really noticed his lack of respect and attitude problems.
I ended up taking him home a few hours earlier then planned as we just couldn't handle him anymore. Didn't see him on Sunday morning until 10am. Told him to get his stuff together and get in the car. We did sort of have a good time for an hour or so when I was telling him a few of my stories. Stopped at Cash Converters (Pawn Shop) and bought 4 Singstar games. Was told "At least you can buy me a memory card !". I was told to buy him nothing buy his parents on the Friday as he was being punished for being a naughty shit at home and at school. So I stuck to those guns.
Bought him McDonalds where he started whinging like a 2 year old when I didn't get him a toy with his meal. He said "if you don't buy me a toy I'll scream". I told him to go right ahead. He didn't. He grabbed his meal off me (no thanks) and stormed off back to the car. He then nearly knocked the automatic transmission into reverse when we were going 110km/h which really shook me up.
To top the weekend off nicely he then called me a "pussy" for not going 200km/h.
I absolutely ripped shreds off him. He covered his ears and started rocking back and forth. This picture came to mind...

When we finally arrived at his house and I related the weekend his parents ripped into him. I joined in and watched him try and lie his way out of trouble. Not good.
He won't be coming back for a while. OR until his attitude changes. Medication is not the answer as his Mum does not believe in them.
He needs at least a dozen pills a day...... Jesus H Christ !!!