Went and saw Avatar on Monday in 3D with Jaiden. Apart from the fact that my arse fell asleep 2 hours in (with trailers movie went for 3 hours) it was an awesome experience. I am never going to see another movie in 2D. I haven't been to the flicks since I went and saw Hancock 12-18 months ago. I would go see Avatar again. Just a total visual orgasm in 3D.
Been working last 2 nights. 10 hours so far. Was a fun night last night. We were all having a slap-and-giggle night.
The girls have gone off to their Dads for 2 nights and then onto Ang's parents for the whole of next week. Peace and quiet. But Paige is a great help with Jess and Ava so that will be missed. Ang cleaned Sarah's room again last night. She lives worse than a pig. When I go in her room I just walk on all the crap on the floor. Jess has fun with texta's/makeup/stamps and drawing on their walls.
My mum surprised us with a visit yesterday. She took the girls to Cranbourne on her way home.