Saturday up at St.Gwinear was an awesome day. Truly a great day. Except for Paige/Sarah in the backseat bickering/arguing/singing stupid songs for the way up and the return trip home. Jessica slept the whole way up there until I had to fight to put on snow chains 5 km from the summit. In the end I got the left front one on and gave up on the other. It was only dangerous when I was parking the car but that was my own stupid fault as I had the handbrake on whilst I was reversing into a park and the car did slide slightly sideways for a a metre or so. Stupid daddy !
Jessica was amazed by the snow. She kept eating it. She went down 5-6 times on the toboggan runs with Paige/Jaiden and Myself. After 90 minutes she had enough and started saying "Car ! Car". Jaiden was bored silly in the end and Sarah was busy making a snowball to bring home. Paige lost a glove, forgot the sled when we started walking back to the car - had to go back and get it. I took the remaining chain off the front wheel 1km from the summit. It sounded as though it was chewing it's way into the engine bay anyway. There was snow only 5-6km down from the summit. It snowed like a mutha on the Friday (10cm) and then snow was dry and fluffy. At the carpark it was slushy and had some ice. I had driven in snow before (USA 2005 trip over Winter) so knew what to expect.
A lot easier than downing a full bottle of Jim Beam and needing more wood for a fire - jump in my ex's car whilst she was passed out on the couch, drove the 2km to Acme Supermarket and returning back to the apartment complex - only to slide into a snow drift embankment. Whoops! The roads in Pennsylvania are a lot more treacherous. And thats with the roads being salted !! Did a lot of driving over there on my second trip - and I DIDNT even have my car licence back then. Only had a Victorian Learners Permit (L Plates). I've only had my full car licence since mid 2006. Got my first car (Rusty 1987 JE Camira) 1 month beforehand. She did serve me well though... I've had my motorbike licence since 1995 however. Only ever needed a car since being in a relationship with Angela. Pretty hard to cart young kids around on the back of a crotch rocket. Meh..
I worked from 6PM till Midnight on Saturday night. No problems there. Only people NOT to snob me were Graeme and Dean. The rest can go get fucked !! Cockheads. I only worked because I wanted some kitty in my skyrocket for Sunday-Monday. Funny though... I have nothing today ! Ang went to bingo last night ($27) and that was the end of the green. I do have a "Gorilla in the Garage" ($100 note hidden away in the shed). I call the Australian $100 note a gorilla. Here's why..

Here's the Australian $50 note... I Call it a "Pineapple" (hehe)

So onto my "disastrous" weekend part. I got back from dropping Jaiden off at baseball and decided to put the set top box (for receiving digital TV) from our bedroom into the lounge room. 2 hours later - and still none the wiser it went back into our bedroom. I know that I fucken plugged the mutha in correctly - it was just that the signal strength was nowhere near the needed 75% to pick up the Digital TV signal. And that was with the Digital Antenna. Fuckn Hell !
It went straight back and was plugged in and tuned in 5 minutes in the bedroom.
That was the start of my black mood (look for an updated mood chart over the next 14 days).
I have been sick for the last 4-6 weeks. On again off again Ear-Nose-Throat infections. Just cant shake it. I went to docs on Friday but forgot to ask for some antibiotics to kick this sickness in the arse. I have been unable to smell/taste anything for 36 out of the last 42 days !! I shit you not..
Once Ang headed to Bingo (I threw a wobbly at the Dinner Table. I asked her to stay home for the night. I literally needed a hose/towel to extinguish the fire/smoke coming from her ears. She was that pissed off with me) I went down into our bedroom to settle the 2 little one's. Jessica fell asleep within 5 minutes. Ava on the other hand. For fucks sake. She went troppo !! I could do nothing to settle her for 90 minutes. I nearly lost it with her too. At one stage I had to put her back in the basinet as she was howling and I could nothing to placate her. No tummy time, no bottle, no burping - Nada. In the end I changed her bum and managed to settle her from 9.10PM. Ang got home at 9.30PM.
Somehow I just knew that the night was not going to go well - That's why I asked for her to stay home.
My mood dropped from a peaking 7.5 mid afternoon to a plummeting 4.0 by 6PM. Damn Set-Top-Box. It's your fault. My mood was low for about 5 hours. Nothing worse for me. And nothing worse for those around me (my family). One sentence basically sums it all up..
"If you come anywhere near me, talk to me or even look at me - I'm gonna rip your muthafuckin head off and shit down your neck"
Thanx Mum and Dad (for those great genetic genes) !!!
Until next time....
PS. My mood is currently around 6.5. So it's looking good for today.