Last night at the inlaws she apparently was vomiting, screaming in pain and nearly falling over. She is going to Al Mayahe or LRH (Hospital) today to get checked over. Just before I got out of bed this morning I brushed her foot with my coldish hand and that sent her into another screaming pain spiral. Poor little thing.
I was at work last night and was in a fucking great mood until Angela called me from the road on the way home saying what had happened to her at her grandparents house. I came back from a delivery and my mood was sombre and worried. I was singing sea chanties and doing other scallywag behaviour up until that point. There were only guys on the road (Dave, Dean, Tony, Jack, Graeme and myself) and only Lisa and her Mum were the Oestregen content at work. Happy days indeed. The women at the shop start so much shit with their gossip and general chit-chat. Female Politics. We as men don't need it. I for one chose a side up until 3 weeks ago. It all changed the other week when I blew up at Marissa and to an extent Mary.
Love the job don't get me wrong. Very exciting not knowing what is going to happen next. And the freedom one gets from not being anchored in the shop is also a big bonus. Apparently Marissa was on her high horse again on Thursday night. Mary went ballistic at Lyn on Friday which didn't go down well at all. I love Mary like a mother but she is just as bad as Marissa with her gossiping ways. Lyn is working next door at the Fish n' Chip shop because Andy and Lisa have their friendship flag planted firmly at Marissa/Mary's doorstep. No matter what those two do - they will get away with it. Especially Mary. She runs around like a headless chook for Lisa and Andy. Hey. Take a break if you're burnt out. Don't drag others into the political side of things and being made to chose a side on which worker is most lazy or which did that or not. It sickens me to a point where sometimes I no longer wish to work there. If it wasn't for Graeme, Dom, Jack, Dean and Tony and to a lesser extent the other guys (Andy and Rob and the ladies Lyn, Lisa and the two Jennies) I would have walked like I did last September and never came back.
Angela is considering going back to work at Mirboo North (Aged Care home). So if she chooses to do that then that means we could afford for me to give up Tuesday night as well. If Ang goes back to work though is entirely up to her and not me. She has to do it for the right reasons - not just plain old monetary ones.
We have enquired about Day Care for Jessica too. She needs interaction with other little ones now. Me and Ang (as parents) hold little discovery for her. And the household for that matter too. Will be good for her and she should only flourish. Hopefully. Expect the worst but hope for the best is our group motto.
The other kids have finished Term 2 at school. They are now off for 2 weeks. Will be a massive help around the house. Especially Paige. She is becoming such a terrific daughter. Really makes me proud to see her turning into such a lovely girl. She is maturing so quickly. Watching it everyday in fact. She is sort of stuck between child and adolescence at the moment so it must be very confusing for her. Sarah is taking 1 step forward and then 2 steps back. We still need to take her to see the local Paediatrician in 2 weeks to find out if there is anything wrong with her. Hoping not though. Jaiden is a good young man just very lazy at times. He will either really spring forward or go backwards in the next 2-3 years. My motto rings true with all 3 older sons & daughters.
Their schoolastic reports were all excellent. I was very surprised with Sarah's. She (according to her teacher) is catching up with most areas. She only needs TLC with her reading/writing/spelling. Jaidens was that he is not pushing himself hard enough to get the most out of himself. His writing is nearly non-legible. He will need to correct this area if he is to go well in his VCE (Years 11 and 12). If he doesn't then his dreams of University and a $70/hour paying job will be up in smoke. Paiges report was excellent. All up to standard with an extra tick for her artistic side. Good girl that she is.
Ava (last but not least) is my Joy. She is the main reason I can keep going. How I am not in the nuthouse is a real mind job to me at times. But I only have to look at her and that keeps me going. A bit like the Simpsons episode with Homer being forced to work at the Nuclear Power Plant by Mr. Burns with a non-motivational sign above his workplace. That is me in a nutshell....