We all decide which of these is most relevant in any situation. It's all in the genomes...
Saturday, June 27
Jessica is sick.
Last night at the inlaws she apparently was vomiting, screaming in pain and nearly falling over. She is going to Al Mayahe or LRH (Hospital) today to get checked over. Just before I got out of bed this morning I brushed her foot with my coldish hand and that sent her into another screaming pain spiral. Poor little thing.
I was at work last night and was in a fucking great mood until Angela called me from the road on the way home saying what had happened to her at her grandparents house. I came back from a delivery and my mood was sombre and worried. I was singing sea chanties and doing other scallywag behaviour up until that point. There were only guys on the road (Dave, Dean, Tony, Jack, Graeme and myself) and only Lisa and her Mum were the Oestregen content at work. Happy days indeed. The women at the shop start so much shit with their gossip and general chit-chat. Female Politics. We as men don't need it. I for one chose a side up until 3 weeks ago. It all changed the other week when I blew up at Marissa and to an extent Mary.
Love the job don't get me wrong. Very exciting not knowing what is going to happen next. And the freedom one gets from not being anchored in the shop is also a big bonus. Apparently Marissa was on her high horse again on Thursday night. Mary went ballistic at Lyn on Friday which didn't go down well at all. I love Mary like a mother but she is just as bad as Marissa with her gossiping ways. Lyn is working next door at the Fish n' Chip shop because Andy and Lisa have their friendship flag planted firmly at Marissa/Mary's doorstep. No matter what those two do - they will get away with it. Especially Mary. She runs around like a headless chook for Lisa and Andy. Hey. Take a break if you're burnt out. Don't drag others into the political side of things and being made to chose a side on which worker is most lazy or which did that or not. It sickens me to a point where sometimes I no longer wish to work there. If it wasn't for Graeme, Dom, Jack, Dean and Tony and to a lesser extent the other guys (Andy and Rob and the ladies Lyn, Lisa and the two Jennies) I would have walked like I did last September and never came back.
Angela is considering going back to work at Mirboo North (Aged Care home). So if she chooses to do that then that means we could afford for me to give up Tuesday night as well. If Ang goes back to work though is entirely up to her and not me. She has to do it for the right reasons - not just plain old monetary ones.
We have enquired about Day Care for Jessica too. She needs interaction with other little ones now. Me and Ang (as parents) hold little discovery for her. And the household for that matter too. Will be good for her and she should only flourish. Hopefully. Expect the worst but hope for the best is our group motto.
The other kids have finished Term 2 at school. They are now off for 2 weeks. Will be a massive help around the house. Especially Paige. She is becoming such a terrific daughter. Really makes me proud to see her turning into such a lovely girl. She is maturing so quickly. Watching it everyday in fact. She is sort of stuck between child and adolescence at the moment so it must be very confusing for her. Sarah is taking 1 step forward and then 2 steps back. We still need to take her to see the local Paediatrician in 2 weeks to find out if there is anything wrong with her. Hoping not though. Jaiden is a good young man just very lazy at times. He will either really spring forward or go backwards in the next 2-3 years. My motto rings true with all 3 older sons & daughters.
Their schoolastic reports were all excellent. I was very surprised with Sarah's. She (according to her teacher) is catching up with most areas. She only needs TLC with her reading/writing/spelling. Jaidens was that he is not pushing himself hard enough to get the most out of himself. His writing is nearly non-legible. He will need to correct this area if he is to go well in his VCE (Years 11 and 12). If he doesn't then his dreams of University and a $70/hour paying job will be up in smoke. Paiges report was excellent. All up to standard with an extra tick for her artistic side. Good girl that she is.
Ava (last but not least) is my Joy. She is the main reason I can keep going. How I am not in the nuthouse is a real mind job to me at times. But I only have to look at her and that keeps me going. A bit like the Simpsons episode with Homer being forced to work at the Nuclear Power Plant by Mr. Burns with a non-motivational sign above his workplace. That is me in a nutshell....
Last night at the inlaws she apparently was vomiting, screaming in pain and nearly falling over. She is going to Al Mayahe or LRH (Hospital) today to get checked over. Just before I got out of bed this morning I brushed her foot with my coldish hand and that sent her into another screaming pain spiral. Poor little thing.
I was at work last night and was in a fucking great mood until Angela called me from the road on the way home saying what had happened to her at her grandparents house. I came back from a delivery and my mood was sombre and worried. I was singing sea chanties and doing other scallywag behaviour up until that point. There were only guys on the road (Dave, Dean, Tony, Jack, Graeme and myself) and only Lisa and her Mum were the Oestregen content at work. Happy days indeed. The women at the shop start so much shit with their gossip and general chit-chat. Female Politics. We as men don't need it. I for one chose a side up until 3 weeks ago. It all changed the other week when I blew up at Marissa and to an extent Mary.
Love the job don't get me wrong. Very exciting not knowing what is going to happen next. And the freedom one gets from not being anchored in the shop is also a big bonus. Apparently Marissa was on her high horse again on Thursday night. Mary went ballistic at Lyn on Friday which didn't go down well at all. I love Mary like a mother but she is just as bad as Marissa with her gossiping ways. Lyn is working next door at the Fish n' Chip shop because Andy and Lisa have their friendship flag planted firmly at Marissa/Mary's doorstep. No matter what those two do - they will get away with it. Especially Mary. She runs around like a headless chook for Lisa and Andy. Hey. Take a break if you're burnt out. Don't drag others into the political side of things and being made to chose a side on which worker is most lazy or which did that or not. It sickens me to a point where sometimes I no longer wish to work there. If it wasn't for Graeme, Dom, Jack, Dean and Tony and to a lesser extent the other guys (Andy and Rob and the ladies Lyn, Lisa and the two Jennies) I would have walked like I did last September and never came back.
Angela is considering going back to work at Mirboo North (Aged Care home). So if she chooses to do that then that means we could afford for me to give up Tuesday night as well. If Ang goes back to work though is entirely up to her and not me. She has to do it for the right reasons - not just plain old monetary ones.
We have enquired about Day Care for Jessica too. She needs interaction with other little ones now. Me and Ang (as parents) hold little discovery for her. And the household for that matter too. Will be good for her and she should only flourish. Hopefully. Expect the worst but hope for the best is our group motto.
The other kids have finished Term 2 at school. They are now off for 2 weeks. Will be a massive help around the house. Especially Paige. She is becoming such a terrific daughter. Really makes me proud to see her turning into such a lovely girl. She is maturing so quickly. Watching it everyday in fact. She is sort of stuck between child and adolescence at the moment so it must be very confusing for her. Sarah is taking 1 step forward and then 2 steps back. We still need to take her to see the local Paediatrician in 2 weeks to find out if there is anything wrong with her. Hoping not though. Jaiden is a good young man just very lazy at times. He will either really spring forward or go backwards in the next 2-3 years. My motto rings true with all 3 older sons & daughters.
Their schoolastic reports were all excellent. I was very surprised with Sarah's. She (according to her teacher) is catching up with most areas. She only needs TLC with her reading/writing/spelling. Jaidens was that he is not pushing himself hard enough to get the most out of himself. His writing is nearly non-legible. He will need to correct this area if he is to go well in his VCE (Years 11 and 12). If he doesn't then his dreams of University and a $70/hour paying job will be up in smoke. Paiges report was excellent. All up to standard with an extra tick for her artistic side. Good girl that she is.
Ava (last but not least) is my Joy. She is the main reason I can keep going. How I am not in the nuthouse is a real mind job to me at times. But I only have to look at her and that keeps me going. A bit like the Simpsons episode with Homer being forced to work at the Nuclear Power Plant by Mr. Burns with a non-motivational sign above his workplace. That is me in a nutshell....

Thursday, June 25
Turd factor 5
Jessica is starting to do my head in.
She is turning into a bit (a lot) of a turd. This is what they call the terrible two's. She wants everything, she wants it now and if she doesn't get it - throws a wobbly.
I have started to ignore her completely when she's like this. I am not going to positively reward behaviour that is better suited in a zoo. Now if everyone else under this roof did the same then I think Jess might pull her head in a bit.
Then again probably not.
They do say parenthood is hard. I find the not sleeping part piss easy. Doesn't bother me. What I am finding hard is my anger has gone through the roof and my patience levels have near disappeared. With everyone in the house.
Have to go for a walk out in the local National Forrest (Morwell). That'll calm the lotion.
"Serenity Now !!! (Insanity later)" - Lloyd Braun (Seinfeld)
She is turning into a bit (a lot) of a turd. This is what they call the terrible two's. She wants everything, she wants it now and if she doesn't get it - throws a wobbly.
I have started to ignore her completely when she's like this. I am not going to positively reward behaviour that is better suited in a zoo. Now if everyone else under this roof did the same then I think Jess might pull her head in a bit.
Then again probably not.
They do say parenthood is hard. I find the not sleeping part piss easy. Doesn't bother me. What I am finding hard is my anger has gone through the roof and my patience levels have near disappeared. With everyone in the house.
Have to go for a walk out in the local National Forrest (Morwell). That'll calm the lotion.
"Serenity Now !!! (Insanity later)" - Lloyd Braun (Seinfeld)
Wednesday, June 24
Venus and Moon

Took the 1st photo three mornings ago. Venus rising with an early waning cresecent moon amongst the clouds. (Nighttime Landscape setting). Steadied the camera against a post.

Took the 2nd snap on the same morning. It is a closeup of Venus rising.
It is blurry because I did not have the camera steady (was set on Nighttime Landscape). The green and red shit.... I don't know (Our atmosphere or Venus's ??).
Monday, June 22
Sunday, June 21
Played in C Grade today against Traralgon with Jaiden.
We lost 21 to 2. My first at bat (AB) in my baseball career came in the bottom of the 3rd inning. Connected against a loopy one past the short stop and out to left field for a single. I didn't swing at the first 4 pitches which saw the count go to 2-2 and after that I swung at everything, fouling off 3 comically (one saw me lope to first only to be called back as the ball had gone past the foul line by a few centimeters between home plate and 3rd base) before I got some wood on one.
Felt good.
Then on 1st base I was given a few tips (ie. to get off the bag and try to get in the pitchers mind by making him think I was going to steal 2nd). As if I could make it to 2nd base. I was still sucking in oxygen like an invalid after my Carl Lewis like sprint to 1st. Was a blast.
I caught one fly ball out in left field and fielded a few ground balls as well. Didn't make an error so I guess you could call my 1st baseball experience a success.
AB 1. HITS 1. RBI 0. 2B 0. 3B 0.HR 0. BA 1.000% (NO ERRORS)
Definitely play again !! Even though we got absolutely hammered...
We lost 21 to 2. My first at bat (AB) in my baseball career came in the bottom of the 3rd inning. Connected against a loopy one past the short stop and out to left field for a single. I didn't swing at the first 4 pitches which saw the count go to 2-2 and after that I swung at everything, fouling off 3 comically (one saw me lope to first only to be called back as the ball had gone past the foul line by a few centimeters between home plate and 3rd base) before I got some wood on one.
Felt good.
Then on 1st base I was given a few tips (ie. to get off the bag and try to get in the pitchers mind by making him think I was going to steal 2nd). As if I could make it to 2nd base. I was still sucking in oxygen like an invalid after my Carl Lewis like sprint to 1st. Was a blast.
I caught one fly ball out in left field and fielded a few ground balls as well. Didn't make an error so I guess you could call my 1st baseball experience a success.
AB 1. HITS 1. RBI 0. 2B 0. 3B 0.HR 0. BA 1.000% (NO ERRORS)
Definitely play again !! Even though we got absolutely hammered...
The customer is always right ?
Hmmmm. Nope. I don't really agree with that 100% of the time. More like 20% of the time. People are on the whole - assholes. And some are very very proud of it too.
On a delivery (11 Booth Street, Morwell) at 8.45pm last night when I knock on the window because I can hear drunken laughter and kids yelling and screaming. I wait 30 seconds and then rap on the wall next to the window. Guy starts to roar about forcibly inserting the pizza into my anus. 10 year old kid comes to the door and I tell him "Well it's his pizza he can do what he wants with it".
Then PigMan comes out and repeats his rant a few times. I close the bag and say fine and start to walk down the steps and back to my car. PigMan then follows me into his yard saying "HOW dare I knock on his window and house". Ummm yeah. This is why some people should not drink. PERIOD. PigMan continues to follow me and repeating the above 2 THINGS (PIZZA in MY ASS & DONT KNOCK on his HOUSE) when I say "Hit me then".
He rushes into me and tries to knock me over. No success there so he yells and screams for me to "Get the FUCK off his property" and pushes me outta his yard. I turn around and call him a TOOL. Out he comes again and looks down at my car and tells me "I got YER Fucking number plate now". I look at him and say "Hey Mate - I Know where you fucking Live".
He then threatens my person and our house. I tell him "If you come anywhere near my house there will be HELL to pay". He stumbles back inside to his house where I get into my car and hold down the horn for 5 seconds as I drive off. Get back to work where the boss yells at ME as PigMan is on the phone abusing him. I go do another delivery, go home for 10 minutes and talk to Ang about it all. We come to the consensus that Life is too short and precious to die over a fucking GARLIC BREAD. Anyway get back to the shop where Big Bossman doubts my story and says "I think you're telling the truth". Jesus K Rist.
That is the final straw for me at that shop. What with me being all over the place upstairs for the last 3/4 weeks or so and my attack on Marissa the other night (she quit) it is time that I planted my Employment Flag somewhere else. Will keep at the job until I have something else. The later stages of our pregnancy really knocked me upside down spinning in circles.
I am sick and tired of hearing one thing then seeing the other at that shop (and this rings true in real life situations too). At least Lyn and Graeme stood by my side last night. They never doubted a word coming from my mouth. And that is what true friends/family do...
SHIT !!!!
PS. Got over 7 hours sleep overnight. Bonus. And still on my meds. Might need some Valiums soon though what with the shit that happens at that shop. Lol.
On a delivery (11 Booth Street, Morwell) at 8.45pm last night when I knock on the window because I can hear drunken laughter and kids yelling and screaming. I wait 30 seconds and then rap on the wall next to the window. Guy starts to roar about forcibly inserting the pizza into my anus. 10 year old kid comes to the door and I tell him "Well it's his pizza he can do what he wants with it".
Then PigMan comes out and repeats his rant a few times. I close the bag and say fine and start to walk down the steps and back to my car. PigMan then follows me into his yard saying "HOW dare I knock on his window and house". Ummm yeah. This is why some people should not drink. PERIOD. PigMan continues to follow me and repeating the above 2 THINGS (PIZZA in MY ASS & DONT KNOCK on his HOUSE) when I say "Hit me then".
He rushes into me and tries to knock me over. No success there so he yells and screams for me to "Get the FUCK off his property" and pushes me outta his yard. I turn around and call him a TOOL. Out he comes again and looks down at my car and tells me "I got YER Fucking number plate now". I look at him and say "Hey Mate - I Know where you fucking Live".
He then threatens my person and our house. I tell him "If you come anywhere near my house there will be HELL to pay". He stumbles back inside to his house where I get into my car and hold down the horn for 5 seconds as I drive off. Get back to work where the boss yells at ME as PigMan is on the phone abusing him. I go do another delivery, go home for 10 minutes and talk to Ang about it all. We come to the consensus that Life is too short and precious to die over a fucking GARLIC BREAD. Anyway get back to the shop where Big Bossman doubts my story and says "I think you're telling the truth". Jesus K Rist.
That is the final straw for me at that shop. What with me being all over the place upstairs for the last 3/4 weeks or so and my attack on Marissa the other night (she quit) it is time that I planted my Employment Flag somewhere else. Will keep at the job until I have something else. The later stages of our pregnancy really knocked me upside down spinning in circles.
I am sick and tired of hearing one thing then seeing the other at that shop (and this rings true in real life situations too). At least Lyn and Graeme stood by my side last night. They never doubted a word coming from my mouth. And that is what true friends/family do...
SHIT !!!!
PS. Got over 7 hours sleep overnight. Bonus. And still on my meds. Might need some Valiums soon though what with the shit that happens at that shop. Lol.
Saturday, June 20
Get ya feck'n handz off moi I sayz !!
Big bad bustling Barry Hall (Decks Brent Staker and gets suspended for 9 weeks)
Aussie Rules Football
This one is for my good friend Jon. Basically the sport is fucked if you haven't grown up with it. Just gotta kick the oblong ball through the tall posts more than the other team.
BubBub video
Another absolutely mammoth day. Might post a few more of these labour videos if the Boss gives me the A-ok
Gabba Gobba photos
Gabba Gabba
You can hear Jessica get excited when the funny looking green alien dude (Brobee) does his dance and then hear me singing along when the Blue Cat Dragon (Toodee) sings her name.
What a great day that was. Pity Jessica ran outta the Palais Theatre halfway through the concert and we missed the rest of it. But I have the photos and videos for memories sake :)
Work to Live
I work therefore I am. I live therefore I am.
Was up at 5am Friday morning due to Jessica literally pushing me out of bed and onto the bedside drawers. Not very pleasant. Anyhoo went through the day doing what I normally do (ie. Take care of the family) and headed off to work at 6pm. Came home early at one stage to reassure Angela who was fearful for no apparent reason. Might be early stages of PND. Have to keep a very very close eye on her. Finished work at 11.30pm as I was falling asleep on the roads and was very close to driving into bins and gutters. Not funny but I was very close to losing control. I need a regular 9-5 job now. And heap all the Pizza Shop politics onto my shoulders and I nearly think it's time for me to plant my flag someplace else. Have to see on that one. So home I came. Didn't go through my regualr routine (Ie. Computer, cigarettes, TV). Just fell asleep in bed. Now 2 hours later I am awake as Jessica and our new baby daughter Ava, are up and down and setting each other off. One awake the other sleeps, etc etc. I am doing my best but my best just isn't cutting the mustard. I am back on full meds and feel great upstairs. Just need some decent REM sleep to recharge the batteries. I guess this is what people in wars go through. Deprivation of the senses. I'd be a good soldier if it weren't for my big belly. Although that is fast disappearing too. Lost 20 kgs over the last 3 months.
Watch this space....
I work therefore I am. I live therefore I am.
Was up at 5am Friday morning due to Jessica literally pushing me out of bed and onto the bedside drawers. Not very pleasant. Anyhoo went through the day doing what I normally do (ie. Take care of the family) and headed off to work at 6pm. Came home early at one stage to reassure Angela who was fearful for no apparent reason. Might be early stages of PND. Have to keep a very very close eye on her. Finished work at 11.30pm as I was falling asleep on the roads and was very close to driving into bins and gutters. Not funny but I was very close to losing control. I need a regular 9-5 job now. And heap all the Pizza Shop politics onto my shoulders and I nearly think it's time for me to plant my flag someplace else. Have to see on that one. So home I came. Didn't go through my regualr routine (Ie. Computer, cigarettes, TV). Just fell asleep in bed. Now 2 hours later I am awake as Jessica and our new baby daughter Ava, are up and down and setting each other off. One awake the other sleeps, etc etc. I am doing my best but my best just isn't cutting the mustard. I am back on full meds and feel great upstairs. Just need some decent REM sleep to recharge the batteries. I guess this is what people in wars go through. Deprivation of the senses. I'd be a good soldier if it weren't for my big belly. Although that is fast disappearing too. Lost 20 kgs over the last 3 months.
Watch this space....
Little Desmond (Kobe & LeBron ad)
Saw this commercial whilst watching Phillie games over the ESPN Gamecasts.
Made me piss myself laughing all the time.
Even if you're famous you still get stuck doing shitty parental jobs at times.
Friday, June 19
RHCP : Under the Bridge (Literal version)
Thanks to Jon for putting me onto these literal videos. Can't stop doing the monkey !!
Our miracle

The Claw of Life...
Been a while. Too long in fact. If I can get back into doing one of these I think it will help my short term memory. Yes.
Our little Ava was born on Tuesday 16th June, 2009 @ 11.16am.
This time around (as opposed to our other daughter together - Jessica Belle) I was there in the room in mind, spirit and soul. With Jessica I was pretty gobsmacked and basically held my wife's hand and looked out the window and listened to the birds chirping. I know doesn't sound all the best. But I love Jessica today like I love my other kids. With Ava (love palindromes) I stayed in the zone. Enjoyed the moment.More will surely follow as I am changing. People are changing. And change is a good thing :)
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