They're back !!
So glad. I missed being at the actual gate when they arrived on Friday as the AirNZ plane touched down 25 minutes early. Ang wasn't happy with me but that was due to the girls playing up on the flight home. Airport parking turned out to be only $2 which enabled me to buy them some McChuckas on the way home. We popped in at my parents as the Monash was a nightmare according to radio news. We all met my brothers son, Xavier. What a little shit he is. You can really tell he is an only child. Xavier became really jealous of Jessica because my mum held Jess for the majority of the time whilst there. He was poking Jess, threw a mini tantrum and would not share the toys at my parents with Sarah/Paige. Naughty.
We left and after getting some McCrappies headed over to Ang's parents in Hallam. Gave them their alcohol and got our smokes. They were pretty sick (cold/flu). After the 20 minute pitstop we piled back into faithful Mira (my car) and drove to Drouin to drop off the girls at their fathers for the weekend. We then hit the road for home and arrived back in the Valley at 10:30pm ish. Saturday was spent cuddling wifey and Jess. SO was Sunday, Monday, lol.
It was Ang's birthday on Sunday. I got her a nice card and a beautiful photo frame with butterflies around it. I didn't have the most money - but it's the thought that counts. Her birthday present was the trip to NZ. Jaiden forget his Mums birthday (and she is not too pleased, let me tell you).
SO, life begins to return to normal from now. We will be behind the 8-Ball for the next 6-8 weeks paying back Ang's parents ($720) and other assorted bills ($500 odd). Compact that with House/Car/Food.... Dada will be doing many closes at work.
Yub Yub.