We all decide which of these is most relevant in any situation. It's all in the genomes...
Monday, March 31
We had a market stall at the Latrobe Sunday Market yesterday. We did pretty good at the end. Certainly will help pay a few things off. My videos sold like hot cakes as did most of the girls crap. Got rid of my 2 bookshelves as well. Took me 3 car trips to take it to the market BUT only 1 trip to cart it all home.
Sold the Magna yesterday as well. Only lost $50. Glad to be rid of it.
Bought another Camira (1985 JD) on Friday. Picking it up on Tuesday from Melton. It will go straight onto the road as my JE is nearly kapput. Have got 55,000 kms out of it though so it has done the job for the last 2 years.
Girls got back last night. Had fun at the footy (ESS v. GEEL - Telstra Dome, Cats by 99pts).
Jaiden returned yesterday arvo with Rob in tow.
Picked up Nugget (Cat) off Graeme on Saturday. He is settling in well. Does meow a bit though.
Has been a huge weekend. Was very very tired last night. Had to sort Ang out with the finances. It is her responsibilty. If a week goes by and Im not borrowing money from AMX, it's a successful week.
We had a market stall at the Latrobe Sunday Market yesterday. We did pretty good at the end. Certainly will help pay a few things off. My videos sold like hot cakes as did most of the girls crap. Got rid of my 2 bookshelves as well. Took me 3 car trips to take it to the market BUT only 1 trip to cart it all home.
Sold the Magna yesterday as well. Only lost $50. Glad to be rid of it.
Bought another Camira (1985 JD) on Friday. Picking it up on Tuesday from Melton. It will go straight onto the road as my JE is nearly kapput. Have got 55,000 kms out of it though so it has done the job for the last 2 years.
Girls got back last night. Had fun at the footy (ESS v. GEEL - Telstra Dome, Cats by 99pts).
Jaiden returned yesterday arvo with Rob in tow.
Picked up Nugget (Cat) off Graeme on Saturday. He is settling in well. Does meow a bit though.
Has been a huge weekend. Was very very tired last night. Had to sort Ang out with the finances. It is her responsibilty. If a week goes by and Im not borrowing money from AMX, it's a successful week.
Thursday, March 27
Don't do that....
I have become ultra lazy with this blog. Don't really have the time to post anything anymore.
Quick re-cap on the weeks gone by.
Called the Son-I-Never-Knew last week. Currently living up in Wodonga (NSW border) with relatives due to trying to burn Bitches house down. Poor kid. He seemed somewhat better than when I last talked to him but did crap on about the supernatural (ghosts, night visions) a bit. For an 8 year old to talk about those things means he could be in for a rough mental life later on. Bitch wont EVER concede for him to take medication as meds are evil. I will continue to call him when I can and see what becomes of it. Can't walk away now (although I would very much like to).
On the homefront things have progressed. Had some dramas last week as Ang spent over the budget and I had to borrow money from AMX to cover the house payment. She slipped up. I was initially ropeable for the day but did calm down after going to work and talking to Mary (who put things into context). Since then I have given control of the household finances to her. She has this responsibility and hopefully it will give her more confidence (ie. Balls and Brains). Jaiden has been gone since Friday and I don't know when he is coming back (at friends). The girls spent the weekend with Ang's parents and we all met up on Sunday at Auntie Roseannes. Had a good day. I took the night off work (Sunday) as I was totally fa-rooted and my car was playing up.
We took Jessica to the Health Centre last week. She weighs in at 6.8kgs (close to 14 pounds). Valerie told us that she can tell that we are good parents basically, Jessica is very happy / healthy. The last few days has been trying with Jess though. We think she is a little off at the moment. Sounds weezy at times and not her usual self. We went to the Qwacks yesterday and Al Mayahe gave Jess the thumbs up.
He didnt give me the thumbs up though. Told me to cut out all salt as my blood pressure is high. My testosterone levels are below the norm to boot. I have been having more headaches and now chest pains. Plus a plethora of other tid bits going awry within myself. I am falling apart it seems. I need to take better care of myself. Stat.
Other than that, I have listed the Magna for sale on eBay. I came to the conclusion - when am I ever going to have a spare $500 to fix it up for a RWC. Being a manual as well puts me off. Ang has been purchasing a few things for Jess from eBay as well. Clothes, etc.
The weather has turned at long last. Cooler in the mornings and milder through the day. I fucking hate Summer anyway.
I have become ultra lazy with this blog. Don't really have the time to post anything anymore.
Quick re-cap on the weeks gone by.
Called the Son-I-Never-Knew last week. Currently living up in Wodonga (NSW border) with relatives due to trying to burn Bitches house down. Poor kid. He seemed somewhat better than when I last talked to him but did crap on about the supernatural (ghosts, night visions) a bit. For an 8 year old to talk about those things means he could be in for a rough mental life later on. Bitch wont EVER concede for him to take medication as meds are evil. I will continue to call him when I can and see what becomes of it. Can't walk away now (although I would very much like to).
On the homefront things have progressed. Had some dramas last week as Ang spent over the budget and I had to borrow money from AMX to cover the house payment. She slipped up. I was initially ropeable for the day but did calm down after going to work and talking to Mary (who put things into context). Since then I have given control of the household finances to her. She has this responsibility and hopefully it will give her more confidence (ie. Balls and Brains). Jaiden has been gone since Friday and I don't know when he is coming back (at friends). The girls spent the weekend with Ang's parents and we all met up on Sunday at Auntie Roseannes. Had a good day. I took the night off work (Sunday) as I was totally fa-rooted and my car was playing up.
We took Jessica to the Health Centre last week. She weighs in at 6.8kgs (close to 14 pounds). Valerie told us that she can tell that we are good parents basically, Jessica is very happy / healthy. The last few days has been trying with Jess though. We think she is a little off at the moment. Sounds weezy at times and not her usual self. We went to the Qwacks yesterday and Al Mayahe gave Jess the thumbs up.
He didnt give me the thumbs up though. Told me to cut out all salt as my blood pressure is high. My testosterone levels are below the norm to boot. I have been having more headaches and now chest pains. Plus a plethora of other tid bits going awry within myself. I am falling apart it seems. I need to take better care of myself. Stat.
Other than that, I have listed the Magna for sale on eBay. I came to the conclusion - when am I ever going to have a spare $500 to fix it up for a RWC. Being a manual as well puts me off. Ang has been purchasing a few things for Jess from eBay as well. Clothes, etc.
The weather has turned at long last. Cooler in the mornings and milder through the day. I fucking hate Summer anyway.
Saturday, March 22
Monday, March 17
It's Hot, you Sonafabitch
Yes, cor blimey, the HEAT !!!
40 on Friday, 40 yesterday and another day headed into the 40's today. Doesn't help when you work in a Pizza Shop where there is an open oven to boot. Jesus. It will be cooler after Wednesday.
Work is going swimmingly.
Jess is growing up fast.
The other kids are behaving. Jaiden won't get off the computer. He will hate me when I revert to dial-up come late April.
Ang is a trooper. Is the backbone of the house. I am so lucky to have found as someone as special as her.
That's all. Too hot to think let alone type shit.
40 on Friday, 40 yesterday and another day headed into the 40's today. Doesn't help when you work in a Pizza Shop where there is an open oven to boot. Jesus. It will be cooler after Wednesday.
Work is going swimmingly.
Jess is growing up fast.
The other kids are behaving. Jaiden won't get off the computer. He will hate me when I revert to dial-up come late April.
Ang is a trooper. Is the backbone of the house. I am so lucky to have found as someone as special as her.
That's all. Too hot to think let alone type shit.
Sunday, March 9
Who shot Who in the What Now ?
Another week rolls by.
Jess has discovered Cola. We only give her a sip - but she loves it. Will watch the can your drinking from with an eagle eye. If you put the can close to her she will reach out and try and grab it. Put it close to her mouth and the sucking reaction comes in. Very funny. She now knows what dinner time is too. Will start cracking it big time when the foodage goes onto the table. I think she wants to see what we are all doing. Ang is giving her a little of our foods (ie. Mashed potatoes, soft maleable foods). She has been excellent. I have been spending a lot of time with her. One smile makes my day worthwhile. Awwwzzz.
Ang has been cracking down on the Jai/Paige/Sarah like a Kommandant in a Prison Camp. They have had the run of the house for too long. Be hard now - they will grow up and respect us later. I was shite scared of my old man when I was a kid. I have the utmost of respect for him now. Rules and boundaries set up a child for a balanced later life. There is hope yet. Jaiden has been the laziest little shit for the last 2 weeks. Sits all day on the computer and WILL not lift a hand around the house. We are going initiate a 7 day Spreadsheet for him. X means No good, O means Ok and a + means he has gone above his duties. If the + outweight the other signs at the end of the week, means he gets $10 pocketmoney. If there are more O's only $5 and if there are more X's - gets cactus, nadda. This shite of sitting on the computer all day has to end. I am close to getting rid of the Net or in the least, going back to the Dial-Up.
It has become painfully clear that anything electronical (Computer mostly) is a drug to Jaiden. He cannot live without it. Seriously. I am not shitting you here. Take it away from him and he reacts like a drug addict. He needs to get out of the bloody house and do something.
The girls have been Ok I guess. I am trying to be more patient with them. Sorta lost it a bit yesterday. But today is another day.
Ang is my rock. Without her I am lost. Love her to bits.
I am now working 6 nights a week. Picked up Maccas Thursday shift. He has another job and when he works at PizzaBoys will only be there for 2 hours. It suxs. Means I will probably be doing close to 30 hours per week now. Means more $$$$ to pay off relatives (NZ, Loans) and other assorted scallywag things (Bills, Mortgage, etc etc).
I bought a new car (with the help of my Dad) during the week just gone. A 1989 TP Magna on Dual Fuel (woot!). Needs a few things done to it (just cosmetics) before it gets on the road. It is a Manual to boot so that means I have to get used to Shifting gears (such a lazy bastard that I am). It has 259,000 kms on the clock but when I went to check it out I took Graeme (From PizzaBoys) with me. He gave me the Thumbs Up. Got it for a steal as well.... $400. Gives me a project for the next couple of months.

My New Car (1989 Magna)
I have been working in the Garden more of late. Clearing shit that is getting beyond the joke. Ang has slackened off out there. Not her fault. I am taking up the slack. I just usually cut the grass and there about ends my garden work. Not now. I do actually enjoy it though.
Well thats it... Woke up at 4am this morning thanx to my crook back. Might trade mine in for a younger model (my back, not my wife, hehe).
Enjoy life, you never know what is around the corner.....
Another week rolls by.
Jess has discovered Cola. We only give her a sip - but she loves it. Will watch the can your drinking from with an eagle eye. If you put the can close to her she will reach out and try and grab it. Put it close to her mouth and the sucking reaction comes in. Very funny. She now knows what dinner time is too. Will start cracking it big time when the foodage goes onto the table. I think she wants to see what we are all doing. Ang is giving her a little of our foods (ie. Mashed potatoes, soft maleable foods). She has been excellent. I have been spending a lot of time with her. One smile makes my day worthwhile. Awwwzzz.
Ang has been cracking down on the Jai/Paige/Sarah like a Kommandant in a Prison Camp. They have had the run of the house for too long. Be hard now - they will grow up and respect us later. I was shite scared of my old man when I was a kid. I have the utmost of respect for him now. Rules and boundaries set up a child for a balanced later life. There is hope yet. Jaiden has been the laziest little shit for the last 2 weeks. Sits all day on the computer and WILL not lift a hand around the house. We are going initiate a 7 day Spreadsheet for him. X means No good, O means Ok and a + means he has gone above his duties. If the + outweight the other signs at the end of the week, means he gets $10 pocketmoney. If there are more O's only $5 and if there are more X's - gets cactus, nadda. This shite of sitting on the computer all day has to end. I am close to getting rid of the Net or in the least, going back to the Dial-Up.
It has become painfully clear that anything electronical (Computer mostly) is a drug to Jaiden. He cannot live without it. Seriously. I am not shitting you here. Take it away from him and he reacts like a drug addict. He needs to get out of the bloody house and do something.
The girls have been Ok I guess. I am trying to be more patient with them. Sorta lost it a bit yesterday. But today is another day.
Ang is my rock. Without her I am lost. Love her to bits.
I am now working 6 nights a week. Picked up Maccas Thursday shift. He has another job and when he works at PizzaBoys will only be there for 2 hours. It suxs. Means I will probably be doing close to 30 hours per week now. Means more $$$$ to pay off relatives (NZ, Loans) and other assorted scallywag things (Bills, Mortgage, etc etc).
I bought a new car (with the help of my Dad) during the week just gone. A 1989 TP Magna on Dual Fuel (woot!). Needs a few things done to it (just cosmetics) before it gets on the road. It is a Manual to boot so that means I have to get used to Shifting gears (such a lazy bastard that I am). It has 259,000 kms on the clock but when I went to check it out I took Graeme (From PizzaBoys) with me. He gave me the Thumbs Up. Got it for a steal as well.... $400. Gives me a project for the next couple of months.

My New Car (1989 Magna)
I have been working in the Garden more of late. Clearing shit that is getting beyond the joke. Ang has slackened off out there. Not her fault. I am taking up the slack. I just usually cut the grass and there about ends my garden work. Not now. I do actually enjoy it though.
Well thats it... Woke up at 4am this morning thanx to my crook back. Might trade mine in for a younger model (my back, not my wife, hehe).
Enjoy life, you never know what is around the corner.....
Tuesday, March 4
Roy smashes Boy
This happened in tonights (4/3/08) 2nd ODI final between Australia & India at the Gabba. Andrew Symonds shirtfronts streaker (cue Benny Hill music). Richie Benaud commentates as per his usual excellence "he went the wrong way". Classix !!
Home, sweet home
They're back !!
So glad. I missed being at the actual gate when they arrived on Friday as the AirNZ plane touched down 25 minutes early. Ang wasn't happy with me but that was due to the girls playing up on the flight home. Airport parking turned out to be only $2 which enabled me to buy them some McChuckas on the way home. We popped in at my parents as the Monash was a nightmare according to radio news. We all met my brothers son, Xavier. What a little shit he is. You can really tell he is an only child. Xavier became really jealous of Jessica because my mum held Jess for the majority of the time whilst there. He was poking Jess, threw a mini tantrum and would not share the toys at my parents with Sarah/Paige. Naughty.
We left and after getting some McCrappies headed over to Ang's parents in Hallam. Gave them their alcohol and got our smokes. They were pretty sick (cold/flu). After the 20 minute pitstop we piled back into faithful Mira (my car) and drove to Drouin to drop off the girls at their fathers for the weekend. We then hit the road for home and arrived back in the Valley at 10:30pm ish. Saturday was spent cuddling wifey and Jess. SO was Sunday, Monday, lol.
It was Ang's birthday on Sunday. I got her a nice card and a beautiful photo frame with butterflies around it. I didn't have the most money - but it's the thought that counts. Her birthday present was the trip to NZ. Jaiden forget his Mums birthday (and she is not too pleased, let me tell you).
SO, life begins to return to normal from now. We will be behind the 8-Ball for the next 6-8 weeks paying back Ang's parents ($720) and other assorted bills ($500 odd). Compact that with House/Car/Food.... Dada will be doing many closes at work.
Yub Yub.
So glad. I missed being at the actual gate when they arrived on Friday as the AirNZ plane touched down 25 minutes early. Ang wasn't happy with me but that was due to the girls playing up on the flight home. Airport parking turned out to be only $2 which enabled me to buy them some McChuckas on the way home. We popped in at my parents as the Monash was a nightmare according to radio news. We all met my brothers son, Xavier. What a little shit he is. You can really tell he is an only child. Xavier became really jealous of Jessica because my mum held Jess for the majority of the time whilst there. He was poking Jess, threw a mini tantrum and would not share the toys at my parents with Sarah/Paige. Naughty.
We left and after getting some McCrappies headed over to Ang's parents in Hallam. Gave them their alcohol and got our smokes. They were pretty sick (cold/flu). After the 20 minute pitstop we piled back into faithful Mira (my car) and drove to Drouin to drop off the girls at their fathers for the weekend. We then hit the road for home and arrived back in the Valley at 10:30pm ish. Saturday was spent cuddling wifey and Jess. SO was Sunday, Monday, lol.
It was Ang's birthday on Sunday. I got her a nice card and a beautiful photo frame with butterflies around it. I didn't have the most money - but it's the thought that counts. Her birthday present was the trip to NZ. Jaiden forget his Mums birthday (and she is not too pleased, let me tell you).
SO, life begins to return to normal from now. We will be behind the 8-Ball for the next 6-8 weeks paying back Ang's parents ($720) and other assorted bills ($500 odd). Compact that with House/Car/Food.... Dada will be doing many closes at work.
Yub Yub.
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