Slight hiccup at home.
Byron is almost out of control. Thinks he can do what he likes, doesn't listen to anyone and won't do as he's told. I can see why he gets the belt across the legs at home. He is a smart arse to boot as well.
A very pushy kid. Tell him one thing, he will do the complete oposite. He has pissed Jaiden off no end. Initially Jai was very lenient and willing to give Byron some leeway. Not anymore. He thinks that whatever is Jaiden's - is his. PS2 games, etc etc. I am going to take my PS2 out of the spare room where he is sleeping as a reminder to him that when he is down here, he lives by our rules. He cannot continue to think he runs the show.
The way he speaks to us all is very demeaning and arrogant. The way he speaks to the girls is downright hostile. As I have always said - treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. This is not good. In fact, I can't wait till Thursday when he is gone. Just so that the house goes back to it's normal routines. He is a fly in the oinment at the moment. A screwdriver in the spanner set. He needs to find his niche here and accept that.
This hulabaloo of thinking he can do whatever the fuck he likes - will end today. I will sort him out. End of story.....