What a week and a half it's been down here.
Jessica is growing up fast. Too fast. Has conversations via baby talk (goo-goo-gah-gah) with everyone. We had a major scare over a week ago when she stopped breathing while I was at work. I rushed home and sort of blasted everyone in blind panic. The ambos were 5 minutes behind me and checked her over. They then took her to LRH (hospital) for observation. After 3 hours we were sent home with an OK. I took the girls with me and that turned into a nightmare as Paige decided to throw one of her hissy fits over not sitting on the bed. Jesus. Since then Jessica has been excellent. Starting to sleep regularily through the night, much to our appreciation.

On to other pressing matters.
Paige is a nightmare. I now call her the Black Hole, as you cannot escape her. She demands the centre of attention (even at the hospital where her sister nearly had died). We are seeing a counsellor today to get her some much needed help. I think it's all a Father complex. Dickhead might not mean to cause the damage to her, but deep down we think something has happened to Paige in the past from her father. She carries on like a Pork Chop at the best of times and will still go up and down like a yo-yo. I found out the other night that Ang is a mess because of Paige. A total reminder of what her Father used to be. Like father like daughter. We give thanks to Dickhead that he doesn't give a rats arse about Sarah and will not fuck up her life.
They have gone back to school as of yesterday. What a fucking long summer holiday it was....
Work has been great. More hours, more tips means more moolah for the house. Last night I saved a Kookaburra that was in the middle of the road at Hazelwood North. I rang the Wildlife hotline and passed on the details. Seemed very stunned. I average about $450 a week from working 5 nights per week. All good..
Jaiden goes back to school this Monday. He has been excellent of late.
Our efforts to roll the car loan into the house loan is turning into a disaster. The damn RAMS guy (Elliot) at Traralgon is a useless bastard. If it doesn't work we will try again with another Bank. Probably Bendigo Bank.
I have become more relaxed over the past few days. I have been on knife's edge over money worries and have let it get to me and affect my relationship with Ang and the girls. I do a little "serenity now" and I relax. Can't let these worries impact the house. Throw the chips into the air and where they fall we deal with them.
My car is a piece of shite and needs a molotov or 2 to improve it. I am going to drive it into the ground before buying a new one. Just another $500 bomb I will get as well. No point getting something good with my work.
I've sold my PS2 via eBay this week. I dont play it anymore and we needed the extra cashola. Got $200 for it. I might get an Atari 2600... lol, Old skool.
We had some dramas yesterday with Ang's car loan going out without us having the money in her account. After selling my body on the main street of Morwell I came up with the cash - all for the car payment to bounce later in the day. Jesus H Christ. That car kills us at the end of every month. Just a total wipeout. Ahh, what can one do....
That's it for now.... until next we meet, May the force be with you....