Friday, September 4

Where did I go ?

Umm. Yeah. Time flies.

Got food poisoning on Sunday night. Me and Ang went out for a nice Buffet meal at a local club. On the Monday we were both poleaxed with FP. I have never suffered this shit - nor do I ever want to again.

Apart from that just the usual stuff happening day in - day out.

We had to get a plumber out yesterday as the pipes had been burping and gurgling over a 4 day period. Ken Gooding came around and 1 hour later had unblocked the outside drain on our property. I watched as he used some creepy crawley drain de-clogger that cleaned the shit away. Fascinating.

$220 though - So now we are broke.

Had cricket training on Wednesday. 27 people were there. I ran fielding drills all night. 80% of the players do NOT know how to catch let alone field. They 'crocodile snap'. Means their hands are opened longways not sideways as they should be. I can see broken fingers coming...

Jessica loves going to daycare 2 days a week. She calls it "Gool" (School).
Ava is a nightmare at times. Last night was pretty bad. I looked after her during the afternoon and she was an angel.
Jaiden got himself a job @ Traralgon working in Hungry Jacks (Aussie Burger King). Good.
Paige is heading in the right direction as a person.
Sarah is still Sarah. A little out of it at most times. Just lost in her own little world.

I still cannot smell or taste anything. Been like this for 2 weeks now. Sucks.
I'll eventually get myself to a medic. Maybe ?