Thursday, June 25

Turd factor 5

Jessica is starting to do my head in.

She is turning into a bit (a lot) of a turd. This is what they call the terrible two's. She wants everything, she wants it now and if she doesn't get it - throws a wobbly.

I have started to ignore her completely when she's like this. I am not going to positively reward behaviour that is better suited in a zoo. Now if everyone else under this roof did the same then I think Jess might pull her head in a bit.

Then again probably not.

They do say parenthood is hard. I find the not sleeping part piss easy. Doesn't bother me. What I am finding hard is my anger has gone through the roof and my patience levels have near disappeared. With everyone in the house.

Have to go for a walk out in the local National Forrest (Morwell). That'll calm the lotion.
"Serenity Now !!! (Insanity later)" - Lloyd Braun (Seinfeld)