Lovely 3.5 hour drive to Creswick on Friday night (only got lost twice near Ballarat). Nice house, big lot of land and huge garage. Both girls traveled well. Sarah was very chirpy and at times annoying.
Moved on to Pops' via St.Arnaud on the Saturday. 2 hour drive. Girls were fine. He's doing well but really starting to feel his age (101). I don't know how 70/80/90 or 100 feel different - but I suppose Pop does. He still has his marbles and talking to him is like stepping back in time. Jess loves Poppy and really enjoys his company. Sarah was a bit of a spaz at times and really wasn't interacting at all. The constant yelling at Jess and then Jess screaming at Sarah was starting to get to me. Left early on Sunday morning.

(Sarah and Jess at Lumper Statue - Wycheproof)
6 hour drive back to Gippsland punctuated by stops at Bendigo (lunch - McChuckas), Deer Park (Smack Converters), Hallam (Inlaws) and then home. I dumped them at Ang's parents as they were really starting to drive me bonkers. Fighting over a 5 cent toy, kicking seats, the constant "Cant-keep-still-itis", etc. I left and got 30 minutes to myself at Fountain Gate. The final 90 minute drive was hassle free (thankfully) as my eyes were starting to pop outta my head.
After getting home Ang fed us some dinner and then absconded off to Bingo. Ducky (Ava) went off tap until she got home and Jess then plastered the hallway with stinky vomit (carsick).
Had a good time. Was ultra happy to get out of the car and away from them.....